When Dependency Injection goes Wrong
Introduction Dependency Injection (DI) is finally starting to take off in a big way in PHP. Whilst there have been projects such as Phemto [http://phemto. »
Introduction Dependency Injection (DI) is finally starting to take off in a big way in PHP. Whilst there have been projects such as Phemto [http://phemto. »
CoffeeScript [http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/] is a scripting language which is compiled to run as JavaScript. It let you write simpler code with improvements in »
After my earlier post [https://richardmiller.co.uk/2011/05/10/symfony2-using-assetic-for-css-and-javascript-management/] digging in to how Assetic [https://github.com/kriswallsmith/assetic] (Symfony2 [http://symfony.com] »
In this post I will go through removing directly created dependencies from a Symfony2 [http://symfony.com] controller and instead injecting them using The Dependency Injection »
Edit: Please read the first the first comment from Kris Wallsmith, this explains that you do not need to write any PHP at all to make »