Symfony2: Routing to Controller as Service with Annotations
A very quick post as I couldn't find anything documenting this yet (I will submit this to the docs also). If you want to »
A very quick post as I couldn't find anything documenting this yet (I will submit this to the docs also). If you want to »
Edit: This is an issue with Symfony 2.0.x and looks to have been resolved for 2.1, please see Denderello's comment below »
I have been looking at functional testing using Behat [] and Mink [] and their associated Symfony2 [http://symfony. »
One issue many people have with Dependency Injection is the way you can no longer jump to an implementation of a dependency in an IDE and »
In this post I am going to look at the basics of Dependency Injection again and how they tie in with the move to using a »