Why use a Dependency Injection Container?
In this post I am going to look at the basics of Dependency Injection again and how they tie in with the move to using a »
In this post I am going to look at the basics of Dependency Injection again and how they tie in with the move to using a »
Note: the coding standards used by Symfony2 have changed since this post was written, you can read more about this in my post Symfony2: Coding Standards »
In my post Symfony2: Using Assetic for Image Optimisation [https://richardmiller.co.uk/2011/05/26/symfony2-using-assetic-for-image-optimisation/] I looked at using Assetic for image optimisation. In »
When you start learning Symfony2 [http://symfony.com] using the book [http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/book/], you are introduced to the base controller [http: »
There has been some criticism recently of the use of Dependency Injection Containers (DICs) with a lot of people saying that DI != DICs. For example see »